本质的研究 关于
Derivative of common neural network modules
创建: 2018-05-22


This post shows how to derive the derivative of common neural network modules such as linear transformation, softmax cross entropy loss and some activation functions step by step.


\begin{align} & \vec{W_{a*}} \tag{row a of Matrix W} \\ & \vec{W_{*a}} \tag{column a of Matrix W} \end{align}

Techniques for derivation

\begin{align} (\frac{f}{g})^{'} &= \frac{f^{'}g + fg^{'}}{g^2} \tag{the quotient rule} \\ (\sum_{i=1}^{n} f_i)^{'} &= {f_1}^{'}+{f_2}^{'}+ ...{f_n}^{'} \tag{derivative of summation} \\ (\log f)^{'} &= \frac{1}{f} \tag{when log base = e} \\ \frac{df}{dg} &= \frac{df}{dh} \frac{dh}{dg} \tag{chain rule} \\ \end{align}

Linear Transformation


\begin{align} k &\in R \tag{size of the mini-batch} \\ x &\in R^{k \times m} \tag{the input of linear transformation} \\ y &\in R^{k \times n} \tag{the output of linear transformation} \\ W &\in R^{m \times n} \tag{the weight matrix} \\ b &\in R^{n} \tag{the bias term} \\ L &\in R \tag{scalar loss of the model} \\ y &= xW + b \tag{common alternative of y=Wx} \end{align}

Get $\frac{dL}{dx}$ and $\frac{dL}{dW}$

\begin{align} \frac{dL}{dx_{a,b}} &= \sum_i^{k} \sum_j^{n} \frac{dL}{dy_{i,j}} \frac{dy_{i,j}}{dx_{a,b}} \tag{summation for all connected intermediate variables} \\ &= \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}\_{a}} \cdot \vec{W_{b*}} \tag{dot product of row a of $\frac{dL}{dy}$ and row b of W} \end{align}
\begin{align} \frac{dL}{dx} &= \begin{bmatrix} \frac{dL}{dx_{1,1}} & \frac{dL}{dx_{1,2}} & \dots & \frac{dL}{dx_{1,m}} \\ \frac{dL}{dx_{2,1}} & \frac{dL}{dx_{2,2}} & \dots & \frac{dL}{dx_{2,m}} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \frac{dL}{dx_{k,1}} & \frac{dL}{dx_{k,2}} & \dots & \frac{dL}{dx_{k,m}} \end{bmatrix} \tag{$\frac{dL}{dx} \in R^{k \times m}$} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{1*}} \cdot \vec{W_{1*}} & \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{1*}} \cdot \vec{W_{2*}} & \dots & \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{1*}} \cdot \vec{W_{m*}} \\ \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{2*}} \cdot \vec{W_{1*}} & \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{2*}} \cdot \vec{W_{2*}} & \dots & \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{2*}} \cdot \vec{W_{m*}} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{k*}} \cdot \vec{W_{1*}} & \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{k*}} \cdot \vec{W_{2*}} & \dots & \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{k*}} \cdot \vec{W_{m*}} \end{bmatrix} \tag{substitution} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{1*}} \\ \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{2*}} \\ \vdots \\ \vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{k*}} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \vec{W_{1*}} & \vec{W_{2*}} & \dots & \vec{W_{m*}} \end{bmatrix} = \frac{dL}{dy} W^T \tag{$\frac{dL}{dy} \in R^{k \times n}, W^T \in R^{n \times m}$} \\ \frac{dL}{dW} &= x^T \frac{dL}{dy} \tag{similarly} \\ \frac{dL}{db} &= \begin{bmatrix} sum(\vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{*1}}) & sum(\vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{*2}}) & \dots & sum(\vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{*m}}) \end{bmatrix} \tag{$sum(\vec{\frac{dL}{dy}_{*a}}) = \sum_i^{k} \frac{dL}{dy_{i, a}}$} \end{align}

Softmax and Cross Entropy Loss

Forward Process

\begin{align} h &\in R^{n} \tag{the input of softmax, usually the last hidden layer} \\ o &\in R^{n} \tag{the output of softmax, all elements sum up to 1} \\ t &\in R^{n} \tag{target one-hot vector, only one element is 1} \\ o &= softmax(h) \tag{softmax function} \\ o_i &= \frac{e^{h_i}}{\sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j}} \tag{element-wise softmax output $o_i$ given h} \\ E &= -\sum_{i}^{n} t_i \log o_i \tag{cross entropy produce loss given o and t} \end{align}

Get $\frac{d E}{d h}$ when $E = -\sum_{i}^{n}{t_i\log(o_i)}$ and $o_i = \frac{e^{h_i}}{\sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j}}$

\begin{align} \frac{d E}{d h_i} &= \sum_{a}^{n} \frac{d E}{d o_a} \frac{d o_a}{d h_i} \tag{chain rule} \\ \frac{d E}{d o_a} &= -\frac{t_a}{o_a} \tag{for $1 \leq a \leq n$} \\ \frac{d o_a}{d h_i} &= \frac{e^{h_a} \sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j} - e^{h_a} e^{h_a}}{(\sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j})^2} \tag{for a = i, the quotient rule} \\ &= \frac{e^{h_a}}{\sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j}} - (\frac{e^{h_a}}{\sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j}})^2 \tag{for a = i} \\ &= o_a (1 - o_a) \tag{for a = i} \\ \frac{d o_a}{d h_i} &= \frac{0 - e^{h_a} e^{h_i}}{(\sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j})^2} \tag{for $a \neq$ i, the quotient rule} \\ &= - \frac{e^{h_a}}{\sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j}} \frac{e^{h_i}}{\sum_{j}^{n} e^{h_j}} \tag{for $a \neq$ i} \\ &= - o_a o_i \tag{for $a \neq$ i} \\ \frac{d E}{d h_i} &= \sum_{a}^{n} \frac{d E}{d o_a} \frac{d o_a}{d h_i} \tag{chain rule} \\ &= \frac{d E}{d o_i} \frac{d o_i}{d h_i} + \sum_{a \neq i}^{n} \frac{d E}{d o_a} \frac{d o_a}{d h_i} \tag{separate a=i and a $\neq$ i} \\ &= -\frac{t_i}{o_i} o_i(1-o_i) + \sum_{a \neq i}^{n} -\frac{t_a}{o_a} (-o_a o_i) \tag{substitution} \\ &= -t_i + t_i o_i + \sum_{a \neq i}^n t_a o_i \tag{elimination} \\ &= -t_i + \sum_{a}^n t_a o_i \tag{merge $t_i o_i$ with summation term} \\ &= -t_i + o_i \sum_{a}^n t_a \tag{take constant $o_i$ out of summation term} \\ &= o_i - t_i \tag{summation evaluate to 1} \\ \frac{d E}{d h} &= o -t \tag{combine element-wise results} \end{align}

Activation Functions


\begin{align} Sigmoid(x_i) &= \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i}} \tag{element-wise operation on x} \\ \frac{dSigmoid(x_i)}{dx_i} &= (1+e^{-x_i})^{-2} (1+e^{-x_i})' \tag{chain rule, let $g(x)=1+e^{-x_i}$} \\ &= (1+e^{-x_i})^{-2} -e^{-x_i} \tag{chain rule, let $g(x)=e^{-x_i}$} \\ &= \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i}} \frac{-e^{-x_i}}{1+e^{-x_i}} \tag{rewrite} \\ &= \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i}} \frac{1+e^{-x_i}-1}{1+e^{-x_i}} \tag{trick: x = 1+x-1} \\ &= \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i}} (\frac{1+e^{-x_i}}{1+e^{-x_i}} - \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i}}) \tag{rewrite} \\ &= Sigmoid(x_i)(1-Sigmoid(x_i)) \tag{substitution} \end{align}


\begin{align} Tanh(x_i) &= \frac{e^{x_i} + e^{-x_i}}{e^{x_i} - e^{-x_i}} \tag{element-wise operation on x} \end{align}
\begin{align} \frac{dTanh(x_i)}{dx_i} &= \frac{(e^{x_i} + e^{-x_i})(e^{x_i} + e^{-x_i}) + (e^{x_i} - e^{-x_i})(e^{x_i} - e^{-x_i})}{(e^{x_i} + e^{-x_i})^2} \tag{the quotient rule} \\ \frac{dTanh(x_i)}{dx_i} &= 1 + (\frac{e^{x_i} - e^{-x_i}}{e^{x_i} + e^{-x_i}})^2 \tag{$(\frac{e^{x_i} + e^{-x_i}}{e^{x_i} + e^{-x_i}})^2 = 1$} \\ \frac{dTanh(x_i)}{dx_i} &= 1 + tan(x_i)^2 \tag{substitution} \end{align}


\begin{align} ReLU(x_i) &= max(0, x_i) \tag{element-wise operation on x} \\ \frac{dReLU(x_i)}{dx_i} &= \begin{cases} 1 & \text{when $x_i > 0$} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \nonumber \end{align}

苏东琪 Su,Dongqi
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